October Things

 I have been busy at work, or rather my school work. Well, not just school work. At the beginning of the month I was selected to go to Seattle, Washington for a leadership retreat. Minority Veterans of America hosted their third Emerging Leader Retreat. In 2019 I was apart of the inaugural retreat and I am still in contact with a few of the people who participated. This years retreat was different, and I feel it was to its benefit that it was. The group was small and intimate, and it made for more real conversations and connections. I really am looking forward to growing with these other emerging leaders. 

While I was in Washington I also had the privilege to visit an art space in Seattle and it was great. The services that give art opportunities to underserved communities. I may have the opportunity to host a workshop with them in the future. This makes my heart very happy.

Midterms just passed and I finished with 3 A's & 1 B.  This is a big difference from my previous two semesters where I only passed one class each. Granted this was because of health reasons, but it still is upsetting. To be honest it was upsetting that I had earned a B, but that is pride. Just plain old pride, and it made me want to throw in the towel. That only hurts me though. Luckily my academic coach also agreed that my thought process was harmful only to me. 

I will blog weekly from now on. So much to really write about, but not ready.  In the meantime here is a photo I took of Waylon as part of his senior portraits.


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