Fall In...

Fall in what? Fall in love with the life you are living, perhaps. Even the ugly parts. Right now, for me...that means my ongoing anxiety. Recently I have been dealing with so much anxiety, and have been having panic attacks. Today, during my weaving studio time I accompanied one of my classmates and fellow female veteran to the dye room and started feeling like the world was crashing around me. My breath felt weak and I thought vomit was on it's way. She gave me support, grabbed my water from the studio, and talked me through it. She talked me through my tears, and I felt safe enough to be vulnerable with her. This is not the first time on campus someone has given me some emotional support, and it is one of the many reasons that I fought so hard to be back  there,

So, why would I fall in love with that part of myself? Because, I know that those moments are temporary even when they really do not feel like it. They teach me that I am stronger than those moments, and in times like today when someone witnesses it, and give support they remind me I am not as alone as I often feel. Usually, that feeling of aloneless comes from five of my six children being in the Pacific North West, and the knowledge that even my parents don't want me in Michigan. But, I am here to get an education and to achieve some goals I have set into place for myself. 

Oh, and I love fall. The smells, the crisp air, and the colors. It's the season of Meg Ryan rom-coms, family, love, and of course it's the start of tamale season. Need I say more?

Be well.
Be good.
Be you.



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